Many of us think that the quality of water is defined primarily by its taste. A survey carried out in 2018 in Lausanne, Switzerland confirms this idea (here the PDF of the survey in French). This taste criterion is therefore often taken as a reference for choosing drinking water. So, should we trust our taste buds for our water?
How is drinking water defined?
The criteria for the potability of water are numerous: its turbidity, its temperature, its Ph, its conductivity, its organic and non-organic chemical characteristics. Unless you have training as a chemist, it is very difficult to make a good synthesis of all this data. On the other hand, the minimum and maximum concentration values are indicative and cannot be taken absolutely as safe for our health in the long term. In addition, each of us can react differently to a dose of, for example, a pesticide, or to other chemicals. So, so-called drinking water can contain chemicals, and even at low doses, they can be harmful to our health. But do we still have the choice today, in a world heavily impacted by pollution in all areas, to drink healthy water, free of toxic products? The answer should be yes, because the water we drink has a very significant impact on our entire body.
What water to drink?
Our senses, including smell and taste, can tell us if a food is safe to eat. But they can also deceive us. Also for water, its taste should be neutral and odorless. Water is an element like air, and the air has no odor when we breathe clean air in the mountains. The same goes for water. Neutral tasting water is a good sign but not enough to consider it safe to drink. Likewise, clear water can mislead us about its drinkability.
So what are the solutions to ensure that water is safe for our health? There are 2 safe and effective methods for having truly drinkable water at home. The reverse osmosis unit is an interesting device because it has a high filtration rate. To do this, at the outlet, the water must not contain more than 10 to 15 ppm maximum (to be checked regularly). Another solution: distillation. This is another, even more effective method for eliminating all products in the water and therefore only retaining water molecules. Distillation completely purifies the water. The TDS measurement gives zero ppm (Particle Per Million). Distillation is carried out with a water distiller (see a model here)
Caution !
The buildup of chemicals in our body weakens it and this will unfortunately eventually make us sick.
Water is essential for life. It hydrates us and contributes to the incredibly complex functioning of our body. But poor water quality can “clog” our kidneys. These are our essential filters for a healthy life. Because our kidneys drain outwards all the impurities present in our blood. And for them to work at their best, they also need to “clean” themselves. It is by regularly drinking the purest water possible that you will give them the opportunity to do so and regenerate easily.
Be very careful about the water you drink, avoid tap water that is too laden with particles of any kind, and do not trust advertisements selling mineral waters because they are undoubtedly far too mineralized for your kidneys. The only minerals that we humans assimilate easily and in sufficient quantities are found in fruits and vegetables.
For example, you can consult a list by nutritional values of the most common fruits, including minerals here. These are these minerals from fruits or vegetables which are easily assimilated by our body and which will not overload your kidneys.